New year, new format for these things I’ve been telling you
Reduced reading workload = Less likely to miss anything
You may notice that this week’s newsletter has a new format. Previously, every edition started with a “Snapshot”--something I think your mom (or somebody) should have told you about navigating young adulthood–followed by snippets from the Book of the Month and Clippings of News You Can Maybe Use.
It can be a lot of content to consume in one sitting. I suspect you sometimes scroll past the Book of the Month content after reading the Snapshot and don’t feel like wading through the Clippings. Let’s face it–email overwhelm is a thing; reading can feel like work, and the desire to get through one email and move on to the next is real.
I considered eliminating the Book of the Month snippets and/or the Clippings, but this newsletter needs to include voices other than my own. After all, no one person possesses all the wisdom you need for your journey through life.
So to make your reading workload more manageable, I’m trying something new for the New Year. Every other issue will feature a stand-alone Snapshot, and the alternating issues will feature Book of the Month snippets and Clippings.
This week’s issue is a Book of the Month/Clippings one. Next week’s issue will feature a Snapshot.
Thank you for inviting me into your inbox every week. I still have plenty of things to tell you. And if anything about adulthood has you scratching your head, DM me, and I’ll see what I can do about clearing it up.
I wish you a joy-filled and meaningful year.

In Pivot, the former career development manager at Google reveals how to methodically make your next career move by doubling down on what’s already working for you. Jenny Blake’s mantra is: If change is the only constant, then let’s get better at it.
In the olden days, moms used to clip articles from newspapers for their kids if they thought it was something they needed to know. I’m keeping an eye out for things that you might have missed that may be helpful to you.
This week’s clips:
Want to ensure a happier new year? Experts say shifting your focus to thinking about others can positively impact the year ahead.
You don’t have to dread the winter months ahead. Researcher and psychologist Kari Leibowitz explains how to achieve a wintertime mindset that will help you see the winter as a time of opportunity. Listen or read about it.
Nobody wants to waste time dating someone if they spot something early on that could be a dealbreaker. So, what are the dating yellow flags worth paying attention to? Relationship experts weigh in.
A renowned life coach says that anyone can become more confident. She identifies six key habits authentically confident people share.
Journalist Bruce Feiler interviewed hundreds of people about what purposeful and fulfilling work means to them. He offers a roadmap for how to find work you love.
I always enjoy what you share!